Ass Kisser

A lowlife person willing to use other people as their targets for advancement in their organization or on the job. They are proficient in manipulation skills. They normally have a nervousness about them (constantly moving their leg) or/and talk almost non-stop about irrevalent topics. This is their way of subconciously manipulating their victims. Any supervisor or authoritative figure not capable of detecting this should be terminated immediately for compromising company morale. Ass Kissers like to take gifts to their superiors (fresh mushrooms, fish, etc...) this is a control technique used on weak management. They also love to cause trouble by telling on other employees and if they have nothing to tell they will just lie to have a story. Ass Kissers love trouble! Good managers/supervisors will find a reason to quickly terminate these people because they know that is the Ass Kisser gets the chance they will burn them out of their job. Acronyms for Ass Kisser are BJ and CJ.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Ass Kisser. Some of the top words include: shit stirrer, urbandickmonsters, Lamer, brown-noser, Assmosis, and 25 more.